Wednesday, April 28

ripping up life from the roots

last night, i added to my laundry list of stereotypical unemployed-in-your-young-20's activities. i went to trivia night at a bar. with friends.

historically at trivia, we kind of suck. it's sad when you celebrate a 4th place finish, or as we call it, 'not last place!'

but this was not cliche enough.

i ended my evening talking about life over a beer with a writer possibly double my age and definitely double my insight. i met him through someone i was formerly dating, and we had conversations about how he once sat in Legends seats at Yankee stadium and his stint in the Navy and how when he was young and (really) stupid he once blew off the chance to meet Kurt Vonnegut. but we had only spoken about life in innuendos.

it's funny how two people in completely different phases of life can have completely similar feelings. i guess that's one of those innately human things. we are both in those ripping your life up from it's root transitions. we are both in the job hunt, he, looking for a much more senior copyediting position, and i looking for an entry level PR position. and it doesn't matter that i'm just starting out and he's moving up. the same anxious energy still connects. in addition to jobhunting, he is coordinating a move, which is pretty high on life's list of 'things that are initially a pain in the ass but probably turn out for the better.' i recounted memories from my bed bug moving trauma and how i was getting my first job around the same time that this horrendous infestation took place. the infestation of limbo in my life was equally not as fun.

but that's the okay part about being in a rut. getting in one means that you were once out of one and that you will be out of it again. it may not be the next job that does it. it may not be the move. it will definitely be an outlook change, usually sparked by something, even if it's just our own frustration. every pendulum has an upswing. and even though what goes up must come down, it's important to be the ones defying gravity in the first place.

i'll let you know what i learn from other token early 20s activities like brunch or something.



  1. i miss you in my life

  2. I love how you've done all these crazy cliche early 20's activities and I've done none of them, and yet we're still in very similar places in life.
