Sunday, August 22

no my faith's not gone, it's just a different kind.

the quote 'religion is for people afraid of going to hell--spirituality is for those who have been there' has been stirring me lately.

my parents recently sold their house. today my mom called approximately 61,842 times to see if we wanted to walk down memory lane with, which was actually meant her climbing into our attic while we wistfully reminisced on the other end of the line. she sifted her way through trophies and teddy bears and tap shoes, and probably as many barbie hairbrushes as times she called us. she also came across my sister's communion shoes.

a lot of people have a lot of opinions about religion. there are even wars over it. comedian Richard Jeni said 'relgious war? now you are just killing people in an argument over who has a better imaginary friend.' organized religion isn't exactly polite first date conversation or a topic you run by your boss. i believe part of the reason that religion is so tricky is because the personal weight makes it heavily significant. it's one of those thi

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