Thursday, August 19

"nothing is impossible for a man who refuses to listen to reason"

ever hear that repulsive motivational phrase "shoot for the moon--if you miss you will land among the stars?"

well it's stupid. you don't always land among the stars. sometimes you land in a black hole. i don't know a lot about science, but 1) i know something about metaphors kind of and 2) wikipedia has an entry on black holes, which means the following definition may or may not be true. and what i have to say after is subjective, too.

a black hole, according to the general theory of relativity, is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape. the gravitational force of a black hole is so strong it destroys the matter it intakes.

so shoot for the moon, and you may land among the stars. but you may also end up feeling like you are in an inescapable suck-hole that is ripping you apart. great!

when we dive in headfirst to something, either our greatest hopes or greatest fears will be confirmed. there is an undeniable feeling buzzing like neon through our bones that indicates to us that whatever we are so damn hellbent on is supposed to unfold this way. and so it goes. and so we go. we go with blinders on. we go with a grain of salt on others inputs. to paraphrase john mayer's 'Edge of Desire,' we go back on the things we believe. we defy logic. we deny truth. all for this one love that we are stuck on, be it romantic, family, friendship, career, moving, etc.
there is a very thin line between looking like the best and bravest in your tunnel vision and ambition and being proven a fool.

i try to avoid politics in my blog, mostly because i write like a hippie and think like conservative. also, this is not a political forum. this is about FEELINGS. however, if you are a communications nerd, no matter how liberal you are, you just may concede that Ronald Reagan knew how to work a speech--just as many Republicans can concede that Obama also knows how to work a speech (fair and balanced, America). in the book Reagan, In His Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan That Reveal His Revolutionary Vision for America, it is revealed that when Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" it was against advice of everyone in his cabinet. this phrase, which now rings in a historic triumph, was uttered in the most ill-advised manner. but when your gut overpowers the advice of the highest ranking officials and communication guides in the country, you go with it. whenever a high level of risk is involved, you will face adversity, because you could end up in a black hole. but you may also land among the stars, or even hit the original moon target itself.

sometimes we are stuck on something, we go for it, and we end up the fool. the communicative George Bush of guts. sometimes it yields a heartbreaking downfall. we have to admit everyone was right. we should have listened to logic. we should have seen the truth. we should have seen ourselves. but also, we can't entirely regret it, because if you didn't follow your gut, the curiosity would eat away at you, and there are better ways to get abs to let The Situation of instincts vs. logic get the best of you. this is the black hole. we are torn apart with regret and fear and anger. there is a force so great it feels like we can't escape. we see no light, or if we do see light, it's so blinding we can't stand to see it. but the beauty about black holes is that this damage is just based on theory. we don't really know what happens in a black hole, although this is what we assume. similarly, our damage may just be a theory that leads to a better understanding of ourselves.

why did we follow our gut if we were going to ended up gutted? why would we be given instincts that drive us to such an ugly end? the easy answer is because the world is out to get us. there is no god. and if there is one he's out to smite you. life sucks. the real answer is because this is exactly how life is supposed to go. sometimes you have to let go of your plan, and how you think life is supposed to be. sometimes you have to have trust and faith, and even more importantly trust in faith. otherwise what is around the corner will always be dim. you will let damage win. you will never risk. you will always run. and if you run far enough, you will have dodged both your fears and wants, and then the only thing touching you is that initial anvil that slammed you, and you won't get any of the good stuff. helen keller said “when one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.” she lived with out two of our basic fundamental human components. she wins. the potential to grow from what proved you a tragic hero awaits. don't waste it.


Now playing: Edge Of Desire
via FoxyTunes

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